stephen'S tABLE

keeping Hope alive A Letter at a time

Find us Here

Stephen's Table c/o Chattanooga Endeavors
PO Box 3351
Chattanooga, TN 37421


Monday - Friday 9:00 - 2:00 PM
Tuesdays - Office Hours
Closed for State Holidays

Second chances require some forgiveness, no matter what we'd like to think. It’s ultimately what breaks the cycle of crime and sets the table for true restoration. You can be that source of forgiveness for someone who is serving time in prison. Consider volunteering to write a prisoner through Stephen's Table #2XChances #LettersForgive

Abandoned in Prison

More than half of the people serving time in Tennessee prisons are completely abandoned by their families and friends. Many don’t receive even a single visit during the whole time they’re incarcerated. This lack of connection magnifies the distance that is created by institutional policies, procedures, and technologies, making them feel more disconnected and alone.

However, for those who remain in contact with their loved ones and their hometown, this distance is reduced, making it easier on them when their release date eventually arrives and they’re free to return to their hometown.

In fact, it’s known that visitation improves the rate that people succeed after prison by about 30 percent. And, according to researchers, letters, simple stamps and envelopes, have the same beneficial effect as visitation.

Keeping Hope Alive

Stephen’s Table is our effort to keep letters flowing to people in prison who are from Chattanooga. To let them know that they have not been forgotten. To encourage them during their incarceration.  And to keep hope alive in their hearts. 

No Experience? No Problem!

You don’t need to know anything about prison to make a difference. If you can write a letter and make friends, you already have what it takes to be of service through Stephen’s Table. 

Pen Pal, Not Really

Although we write a lot of letters, we’re not a typical pen pal program. And here’s why:

Your Faith, Pure Service

Although many of our volunteers are motivated by their faith, please note that we are not affiliated with any particular religion or denomination. We are fully committed to pure service and refrain from engaging in external controversies and promoting social or political agendas. Neither do we endorse nor oppose any cause beyond our core mission. At the heart of Stephen’s Table is a singular, unwavering purpose: to establish, maintain, and strengthen the hometown bond of people from the Chattanooga area who are incarcerated in state or federal prisons. 

Join us in our mission of pure service by volunteering to write someone in prison.