We recently started a monthly newsletter called “Community Connection” to keep in touch with Chattanooga area residents who are currently in state or federal prison. For those who are participating in Stephen’s Table, the newsletter supplements the letters they are already receiving from volunteers. And for those who are not, it helps to create and preserve a social bond with their hometown — a simple and extremely cost effective outreach which is known to improve success after prison.
But Community Connection isn’t only for prisoners. It’s also a resource for loved ones; and, really, for anyone who wants to learn about the incarceration experience and our mission of second chances. We hope that our very short articles are not too short to convey our style of helping — with extraordinary respect and a focus on committed action in service of what matters to those we serve.
To add someone to our mailing list, please send his or her name, prison number, and current location to Anyone from Hamilton County who is currently serving time for a felony in a state or federal prison can be added at no cost.