Community Services

Keep Hope Alive As a Stephen's Table Volunteer

Finding the help that you need can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack -- especial during that tricky transition from prison to society.  This directory is an effort to provide a short list of the most common resources in the Chattanooga area that are used after prison. #SecondChances #PrisonHelp #IntegrativeJustice

This community services directory is maintained by Chattanooga Endeavors. It includes providers in the Hamilton County area that address many of the needs that are common to reentry. If a service that you need is not listed, 

please use the information at the bottom of this page to contact us or refer to First Call for Help at (423) 265-8000.

Chattanooga Endeavors addresses the changing needs of people who were setenced to prison — from their first 

days behind bars until they they are sustainable in the community. Our most important goal is whatever yours is.

To learn more about how Chattanooga Endeavors can help, call or text us at (423) 266-1888

Our popular Community Services Directory includes resources in the Chattanooga area that are frequently used by former offenders and their loved ones. It is A current list of state approved halfway houses and sexual offender treatment providers can be accessed from the quick links in the footer of any page on this site.

For access to a more comprehensive list, go to First Call for Help’s Online Directory or call them at 211 or (423) 265-8000.

Download our Community Services Directory as a pdf. Feel free to use it for your personal purposes or to help a friend or loved one. If you would like to use it for professional purposes, please do not modify the contents or else provide the following attribution, "This reentry checklist has been developed by Chattanooga Endeavors."