Established in 1988, Chattanooga Endeavors is the first and longest-serving re-entry program in East Tennessee. #Chattanooga #SecondChances #IntegrativeJustice
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Second Chances since 1988
Established in 1988, Chattanooga Endeavors is the first and longest-serving re-entry program in East Tennessee. Over the years, we have been at the forefront of providing comprehensive and innovative solutions to the unique challenges that individuals face after a felony conviction.
Our team has successfully tackled various complex problems that are conducive to crime, including substance abuse, illiteracy, unemployment, and homelessness. Nevertheless, our focus has always been on the person first, not the problem that they may share with their peers. Focusing on the person leads to dignity and change. Focusing on the problem leads to stereotypes and resistance.
Beating crime with Opportunities
Our approach is based on the belief that preventing crime can be achieved by improving the conditions and prospects of those who have already been involved in the justice system. This approach is both cost-effective and grounded in years of research on effective re-entry strategies. However, achieving this goal is not easy. It requires a commitment to addressing the unique needs and individual goals of those who have served time in prison — and not just at a point in time, but as they change with their circumstances.
Although our pioneering work-readiness and alternative staffing programs have earned us considerable notoriety in the field, what truly sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to developing true collaborations around the experience of incarceration, fostering a supportive and non-judgmental environment for the mistakes we all make, and going the distance (as long as it takes) with those who need help building a sustainable life in Chattanooga — whether that is launching a small business for an entrepreneur or figuring out how to live on public assistance for someone with a serious and persistent mental illness.
Our team includes people who have served time in prison and is fully invested in guiding and supporting individuals from the early stages of their re-entry journey to successful reintegration into society. We aim not only to help them successfully transition back into their communities but also to ensure that they thrive and reach their full potential.